Thursday, July 3, 2008

BN must kick Hamidah out of the party for her racist remarks !

It is a shame that after 51 years of independence, we still see racial remarks being made by Assemblyman in the just concluded Perak State Assembly sitting. I must say that i was bitterly ashamed that such an offensive remarks were made by a BN State Assemblyman and immediately protested against such racist remarks !

It is rather hypocritical that the BN Government should spend billions of Ringgit to instill racial harmony and understanding amongst the the teenagers through the National Service Program (PKLN) but its leaders continues to harp on racial issues. It makes me wonder whether the BN Government is serious in promoting racial harmony and unity when we can still have BN Assemblyman uttering such racist remarks in the August house, whether intentional or not.

The BN party must take immediate action against the said Assemblyman to restore credibility and clearly, the BN party has not learn from the March 08 election that racial sentiments no longer have any place in Malaysian politics. They must show that BN has really changed from the old ways of racial politics if they are to stay relevance in Malaysian poltics.

Even though Hamidah Osman has apologised for her racial slur, the rakyat demand to see that BN take a stern action against her to ensure that such racist remarks are not tolerated at all. In my mind, a mere apologies is insufficient to repair the damage and hurt done to the Indian community. Therefore, BN should immediately take appropriate step to kick her out of the party or at least suspend her from BN. Remember that Devamany was given a stern warning for trying to raise the problems faced by the Indian Community and also Sothinathan's suspension over the Ukraine medical students issue ? I call upon the other component party like MIC MCA Gerakan and PPP to take up the challenge and have Hamidah kicked out or suspended from the BN party. Please prove that you are equal partner and worth your salt in the BN component party !

I am also saddened by the Opposition Leader for trying to defend Hamidah by saying that such fable exists in the Dewan Pustaka's Dictionary. Please correct me if i am wrong but i dare say that no such fable exist in the Dewan Pustaka' Dictionary. Even if it does, Hamidah should know that such a racist remarks should not be uttered in the August house. It is utterly irresponsible and arrogant.

Now over to you - MIC MCA Gerakan and PPP ! The ball is in your feet.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


The recently concluded Perak State assembly sitting saw us answering Q & A session for the first time. I append herebelow one of the question that was answered by me during the Q & A session :


Isu Menara Telekomunikasi

Baru-baru ini, ramai penduduk mengadu bahawa banyak pemancar telekomunikasi jenis atas bumbung (roof top) telah giat ditubuh di kawasan perumahan khususnya di kawasan Ipoh. Akan tetapi, penubuhan pemancar jenis atas bumbung tidak dihadkan dengan jarak minimum seperti penubuhan menara (tower) telekomunikasi.
Maka, minta Y.A.B. Menteri Besar menjawab :

(a) Adakah Kerajaan Tempatan Negeri Perak bercadang untuk mewujudkan syarat jarak minimum sebagai syarat tambahan atas panduan pemasangan pemancar telekomunikasi atas bumbung (roof top) yang disediakan oleh Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM) ?

(b) Apakah tindakan yang akan diambil atas syarikat telekomunikasi yang memasang alat pancaran atau menara telekomunikasi tanpa kelulusan Kerajaan Tempatan ?

(c) Berapakah permohonan pemasangan alat pancaran telekomunikasi di kawasan Simpang Pulai yang masih belum di luluskan.

Jawapan : YB Encik Su Keong Siong :
Buat masa ini, Kerajaan Negeri sedang berusaha untuk menseragamkan kepatuhan syarat-syarat yang telah dikeluarkan oleh Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM). Kesemua menara yang dibina hendaklah mematuhi garis panduan yang dikeluarkan oleh SKMM.

Bermula dari tahun 2005, semua menara dan struktur pemancar di Perak telah melalui program pemutihan iaitu menara yang tidak mematuhi syarat telah dikenalpasti dan syarikat telekomunikasi yang berkenaan akan diminta untuk mengemukakan permohonan permit kepada Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan dengan mematuhi syarat-syarat yang ditetapkan oleh SKMM. Sekiranya arahan ini tidak dipatuhi dalam tempoh yang ditetapkan, PBT akan mengeluarkan notis dan arahan meroboh ke atas menara tersebut.

Bagi kawasan Simpang Pulai, sehingga kini terdapat lima (5) buah menara yang masih belum diluluskan sepenuhnya iaitu empat (4) menara masih berstatus lulus bersyarat dan satu (1) menara masih dalam pembinaan.